Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Totally off the boxing topic, but...



The Highlander was immediately like "They're gonna lose viewers like this. Who the heck is gonna watch it THEN???"

That's when I sighed and said, "We are and you KNOW it."

God, we're so hooked...I swear we're going to need rehab after this...

The CLAIRE Center ad:

Do you religiously watch Heroes?
Do you suffer from anxiety whether the show is on or not?
Do you experience moderate or severe depression when the show goes off?
Do you worry about whether New York City will be blown up by a man that no one can see?
Do you unconsciously shy away from cheerleaders, Japanese tourists, clock repairmen and Haitians?

If so, you are one of the millions of people who suffer from Herobia. However, there IS hope...

At the Clinic for Longterm Anxiety Issues Related to Excitement (CLAIRE), we help you take back your Monday nights and survive the week long torture associated with waiting for the next episode of Heroes to come on. Our teams of experts will work with you to find out what makes you tick so you don't feel explosive or suicidal after yet another amazing plot twist. Then, with just a simple injection, you will never feel those anxious moments again.

Don't just wait for special powers to make it all go away...come see us at CLAIRE and turn Herobia back into just another Monday night TV show. CLAIRE is located in the back of the Primatech Building. Just ask for Mr. Bennet or call 1-800-CHARLIE to make an appointment. If you can't come to us, call 1-800-HEY-SYLR for a quick and easy house call!

Disclaimer: Side effects may include forgetfulness, inability to keep metal objects solid, difficulty being seen, inability to maintain normal gravity, sensitivity to sound, extreme heat, sudden internet access, fear of Frenchmen, golden retriever headed children, fear of horned-rimmed glasses, a desire to investigate paper mills, a desire to rescue cheerleaders, inability to maintain cranial consistency, and a strange equal sign shaped birthmark after first visit. CLAIRE is not responsible for any possible birth defects or mutations that may occur. See your doctor before attempting to visit CLAIRE.