Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hallowed Grounds Tour 2009 ready to go this weekend!

For those of you that love checking out old cemeteries, I just posted the last of the clues for the Hallowed Grounds Tour 2009 (which is all driving around cemeteries looking for stamps). All you do is follow the driving directions I posted, and by the time you finish, you'll have a little mini-cemetery of stones on paper, which is kinda cool and fun. It's set up so that adults and kids will like it (not a ton of walking and easy stamps to find). The two routes I set up start and end at Panera's in Lockport, so it's close by. We'd love to see more folks joining us, so check here for the info if you haven't already: 1003

You can do these any time you want, since they'll be around forever, but Saturday from noon to 2 p.m. is when you can get the main stamp at Panera's. Hope to see some of you there!

The S & H