Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Random Stuff

So I FINALLY found the chat room for Atlas Quest! You have to download the toolbar first, but once you do, there;s a little unlabeled button next to the "Links" button that takes you to a chat room. Who knew??? While I was there, Scarab told me there's a new Yahoo group for keeping track of your travelling event stamps. The addresss is I just added The Four Seasons to the database there and there's already a few listed, so it promises to be a good deal.

Team Dakota HAS returned after all! They're back and it looks like they plan to stay, but boxing is the last thing on their minds right now. Things went a little south down south, so I think they're just going to regroup and start over. Of course, nosy me is already planning to fix that deal VERY soon...people without boxing equipment count as refugees in need of FEMA assistance, as far as I'm concerned (more on that later).

Anyway, my sniffles from the cold wind on Saturday have turned into a full blown cold, darn it! It's like I'm being punished for having fun boxing. Thus, the shirts that need mailing have been sitting on the counter at our house waiting for an evening where I'm NOT under the influence of Sudafed or Actifed to go to the PO. I promise to get this done this week, seriously. On that note, though, if anyone else is interested in a shirt, now's the time to tell me. I have a few folks straggling in, but not enough to make a second order for $11 each yet (and without enough to make a order, shirts are $25 each). Holler if you want one!

Okay, head pounding...typing bad now...I'm off to snuggle into some Highlander for the night!

The (too sick to be creative with the parentheses) Sprite & the (making her get off the computer) Highlander

1 comment:

DIXIE said...

i can't find the chat room or how to download the toolbar you mentioned