Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Fairy Ring PLB (and a little rant!)

Just started a new postal ring, the Fairy Ring. All you have to do to participate is create a sprite or fairy stamp carving to add. With all the problems that tend to plague these rings, I'm hoping all 20 of my participants will be responsible mailers! :-)

Hey, is it just me, or is anyone ELSE noticing that people keep posting comments to my blog that are totally other there??? I'm noticing people who have NO interest whatsoever in letterboxing are posting stuff that makes no sense in the comments sections like some sort of low budget ad campaign. This one guy told me he found my blog very "inmformative" (???) and posted something about a trading company blog, while someone else had something about Halloween costumes a while ago. Who ARE these people????

Seriously, folks, if you're reading this, feel free to post about letterboxing. Feel free to post about stamping. Feel free to post about ink, carving tools, gatherings or to say hi, I love/hate your site! You can even post to let everyone know about your personal letterboxing/stamping/inking/hiking/related to boxing blog. But DO NOT post stuff here that has NOTHING to do with what I'M posting here...to steal a snooty turn of phrase, it cheapens us both!

Oh, yeah, so BOXING! :-) The Highlander and I are also heading to Desperately Seeking Sun in Syracuse in February, so we haven't entirely hibernated after all. I'm looking forward to boxing indoors, so I might start planting a mall series, if I can get away with it. Might have to be min-boxes, but it's a thought...

Okay, mostly babbling now, but thought I hadn't babbled in a while, so...yeah! Hey, seriously, if you have a boxing blog, post here so I can make mention of you here. I know for sure of a few blogs, but I have forgotten their web addys, so Celtic Quinn and Dixiekin...remind me again!

The (not as bitter as she sounds) Sprite & the (still thinks computers are from the devil) Highlander

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