Sunday, April 15, 2007

Iron Man/Woman Goxing!

The Highlander, CQ and I just put a good 24 hours into gaming and boxing (hereafter known as goxing until someone gives us a better name). First, we went to Panera's on Friday around 9pm to hang with the early boxers before Kitten's A Morbid Affair event on Saturday. Around 10:30, we left there and headed to Kitten's house, where CQ ran an impromptu gamin session until about 1:30 in the morning (or later, but that's when we had to leave to get in bed around 3 am). We got up around 7:30 the next morning, then headed back to Buffalo to box and exchange from 10 to about 12:30 at Kitten's event, then lwent to the University of Buffalo for UBCon, a gaming convention that actually started Friday and ended today. We gamed some more from around 1:30 to about 6:30 (strangely early, really!), then went back for dinner at Chili's with more boxers for 2 more hours. When we realized a bunch of the gamers couldn't make it back to meet us again, we finally ended up calling it a night around 10 and got home about 11pm.

We had a great time doing both and only wish we could have had more TIME for both...the Highlander and I are gonna play a little more today just to get the NEED out of us before we go back to work Monday!

Still, a GREAT time was had by all, proving even MORE that we really SHOULD try a goxing event sometime!

The S & H

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