Sunday, June 10, 2007

Panning for (Mo)Wiz(liz) mini-meet a success!

It began with a simple note from Mowizliz:

Hi CQ, Kitten, Sprite and Highlander, River Otter, and Craftymouse,

Teepsman and I will be flying out of Buffalo early morning, Saturday June 9th, which means, that we'd love to meet any of you over coffee or dinner Friday night somewhere in the vicinity.

Normally, when we travel together some place new, letterboxing isn't high on the list, but ever since River Otter put up that Mel Gibson's Drunken Tirade box, I've laughed so much over that that we absolutely have to have that one. Now it is compounded that I've seen some of the bunnies of Morbid Affair with ...301...302 calling strongly.

This is short notice, so its understandable meeting up isn't a possibility. Without a doubt, I'm leaving someone out of this message that I'm going to kick myself for having missed when we get back, so
any suggestions are welcome. :-)

Thanks for the consideration! I'm hoping to meet all of you!


And suddenly, we were all sucked into a wonderful evening of mini-meeting in the classic WNY style; laid back and relaxed with lots of chatting and general silliness! And don't ask about the Panning for Wiz thing...for some reason, the title just wouldn't leave my mind, so I HAD to use it!

If you haven't had the chance to meet Pats (Mowizliz) and her significant otter Teepsman (whose real name eludes me all the sudden!), they are a TON of fun! We weren't five seconds into the Panera's Bakery where we were all to meet when this woman in front of us in line says "You think they serve Sprite here?" Trying to be as helpful as possible, I start to tell this laughing lady about the variety of beverages the place DOES have before realizing that THIS is, in fact, Pats giving me a hard time! :-)

It all just went uphill from there! Most of the regulars were there, such as the Phoenix, Celtic Quinn and the rest of the Quinn clan (including his fiancee Kitten Without Mittens and her mother, Falling Leaves), Chadams and his fiancee Lady Lilac, and dee123 with her family. A few of my students came as well, since the meet was in Lockport where I teach, but we also got Team Dakota to make an appearance, as well as carve an event stamp while we waited!

I don't know who's got pictures, but I DO know that we all hung out there for about 2 hours just stamping and talking about everything, then most folks went back to the hotel room with our guests while the Highlander and I had to call it a night because he'd braved the entire evening without his pain medication and we had to get him back. Still, a good time was had by all and we can't wait to have MWL and Teepsman back around here again (we hear she's a D & D player from way back, so we're thinking we MIGHT have to kidnap her and get her geek on during the NEXT visit!)

The (bouncing in anticipation of the next gathering) Sprite & the (packing the proper medication just in case) Highlander

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Update: Hey, everyone! Just wanted to let you know that the event stamp for this is finally listed on Atlas Quest (even though I know many of you, including us, might not have even SEEN the stamp!). You can either go to the event page and find it, or just do a search for it. Falling Leaves has the stamp currently, so when we get it from her, we'll be happy to stamp it on a piece of paper and send it to any of you who didn't get a chance to.

Also, did anyone take any pics? We didn't have our camera and nothing's posted on the site so far. Anyone? Anyone?

The S & H