Monday, August 06, 2007

WNY Gathering Webpage Updates

Hi folks! The beginning of August is already here, which means the end is not too far behind. As promised, the page for the even has been updated in many ways. First, Chadams has prepared a page of his own ( that will give anyone unfamiliar with the park some info on where things are and how to use the maps.

So far, there's not many changes to the main webpage (, but the clues page ( now has the groups of boxes Chadams mentioned on his page for you to use in finding boxes without having to search in more than one place. I'm still adding them, but they'll all be on here by Wednesday (except the new music themed boxes, of course). Remember, we'll have this entire page plus maps printed up as a clue booklet available at the park for anyone who needs it, but it's first come, first served. Show up late and you might have to rely on your own printed (or PDA'd) clues!

The night boxing at Sprague Brook Park IS open for anyone that wants to come, whether you camp out or not. Our plan is to place the boxes along a path in Sprague Brook that's NOT in the overnight camping area so folks can still come and go as they please. It's a county park, so we can't say for SURE if they really are as lax with the dawn to dusk rules for visitors. However, since the budget cuts in Erie County, the parks are pretty well understaffed, and the ranger himself said that they don't come around checking to see where people are after hours, so we should be good.

Finally, we've got quite a few folks staying with us overnight at Sprague Brook. So far we have sites 55-64 with boxers, but we're totally out of the sites we originally reserved. If you decide to stay as well, you'll need to call the park yourself and reserve a site near us (which should still be no problem). The area we're in is shaped like an L, with the Highlander and I at the bend on Site #60. If you get anything in the 50s or 60's, you'll be in the same area as we are.

More bulletins as warranted!

The S & H

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