Sunday, August 30, 2009

Six Degree of Woot Coolness!

Okay, I have the coolest LONG story that ends with "and so, my friend is ACTUALLY getting his shirt made by Woot today!"

It begins with a tale of six degrees of separation. My friend Patrick lived here in Buffalo with his wife Laura and 3 kids. Patrick and his oldest daughter used to do Comedy Sportz in Buffalo with me (in fact, they were in the same round of draft picks/auditions as I was and got in at the same time). Now they live in San Jose.

Guess who ELSE lives in San Jose and is funny and I've been telling to go try out for ComedySportz???

Wassa also LOVES this site called Woot! that does a one deal, one day kinda promo. It's addictive stuff if you start checking it out. After the Highlander's bat experience, he sent him a Woot shirt with "Bats!" on it that was pretty hilarious. He also sent me wine bags on accident that I used to make a fort, but that's neither here nor there (especially since Kid Woot has the fort kit now!)

Guess who's been putting designs on Woot for quite a while trying to win a competition and finally got 3rd place this time? Now scroll back up to the beginning of this post for the ending...

What makes this even cooler is that Patrick's wife Laura just noticed my posts about the WNY event and came back with "This sounds like fun. I found this site called Atlas Quest. is that what you guys use?" So, naturally, I put her in touch with the one person in San Jose I knew could be trusted to help her out with all her boxing needs. (GT, expect a call from Laura!) ;-)

Anyway, here's a little info on Patrick's shirt. It's only available today for $10, but it's also available later for $15. Even if you don't BUY one, go say nice things on the posts so that he can feel awesome and think that boxing is SOOO filled with warm, caring people and not just kooks like Wassa! ;-)

The (cool by association) Sprite & the (missing Wassa's Woots ever since the fort got sent back) Highlander